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Early Childhood Education Workforce in Doña Ana County and New Mexico
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ECE Wages in the United States
The dashboard provides an overview of the wages for childcare workers across the United States. Filters at the top allow users to select a specific childcare occupation and wage type. The text at the top of the map highlights the number of childcare workers and their wages in New Mexico compared to the national figures. The map itself uses a color scale that ranges from light gray (indicating lower wages) to dark green (indicating higher wages), visually representing the wage distribution across states. Additionally, a bar chart to the right of the map ranks the states by their wage in descending order, allowing users to quickly see how each state compares to others.
ECE Wages Compared to New Mexico
This dashboard compares the wages for childcare workers in each state against the wage in New Mexico. Users can select a specific childcare occupation and wage type using the filters at the top. The text at the top of the map indicates how many states report a wage higher than that of New Mexico. The map is color-coded, with states in blue showing higher wages than New Mexico and states in red showing lower wages. A bar chart to the right ranks the states by the difference in wage compared to New Mexico in descending order.
ECE Wages Compared to the National Average
This dashboard compares the wages for childcare workers in each state against the national average. Users can select a specific childcare occupation and wage type using the filters at the top. The text at the top of the map highlights the number of states with a wage higher than the national average. The map is color-coded, with states in blue showing higher wages than the national average and states in red showing lower wages. A bar chart to the right ranks the states by the difference in wage compared to the national average in descending order.
ECE Wages in NM and El Paso, TX
This dashboard provides users with the ability to select a specific childcare occupation and wage type using the filters at the top. It features a map that displays the statistical areas of New Mexico and El Paso, Texas, with each area color-coded from red to green to represent lower to higher wages, respectively. To the right of the map, a table lists the corresponding wage for each statistical area, offering a detailed view of the wage distribution across the regions.
NM ECE Workforce Demographics
This dashboard displays the demographic distribution of ECE workers across New Mexico counties that have reported data. Users can select a specific ECE occupation using the filter at the top. The map provides a visual representation of the data by county, while the bar charts below offer further insights: the chart on the left shows the distribution of workers by gender, and the chart on the right shows the distribution by race/ethnicity.
ECE Historic Trends
This dashboard enables users to select an ECE occupation, a trend measure (either total employed or wage measure), and a specific area (El Paso, TX, USA, or a metropolitan statistical area in New Mexico). The bar chart then displays the trends for the selected options across each year from 2018 to 2022, providing a clear view of changes over time within the chosen occupation and locations.